How To Know When A Woman Is Testing You

How To Know When A Woman Is Testing You

Hey guys, I want to share with you something that might irrevocably change how you interact with women from this point forward. This is probably the most important newsletter I have written to date. Not knowing what I’m about to share with you could lead to your...
Women Want To Date You

Women Want To Date You

Most guys have a mind set of when they go out to meet and approach women that it is up to them to do all the work. Most guys forget that women think the exact same thing. When girls go out they are as interested in getting a date as the guys who approach them. When a...
Why Women Challenge Men in Conversation

Why Women Challenge Men in Conversation

You know what usually throws men over the abyss of nerves in the dating scene? It’s the way women go at them with so many challenges during conversation. Some guys just reek of insecurities and women can have their fun picking on these men. At the very least,...
The Power of Playful Touching

The Power of Playful Touching

Recently I had a “double date” with a buddy of mine, and our dates were two women we had both met at a club the prior weekend. My girl and I were very much into each other, but as the night progressed I noticed that my friend’s date was not so much...