by David Kwan | Dating Advice
A lot of guys ask me, “What do I say if she tells me she has a boyfriend?” The fact is, most attractive women have a boyfriend most of the time. If men are like spiders trying to catch as many women into their web as they can, women are like swinging...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
There’s an amazing little trick I use ALL the time. And what’s so great about it is that it will literally compel a woman to talk with you no matter how hot she is or how uninterested she may be initially. Human beings are fundamentally curious animals. We...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
It’s critically important to physically touch a woman early on in a seduction, sometimes referred to as “kino”. Here’s the scientific explanation of how and why it works. Then I’ll explain how to use touch to reliably get laid. Touching a...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
“Go Somewhere” How to steal a girl from her friends The “Go Somewhere” technique is necessary advanced macking technique. We’ll explain how to propose the idea of going somewhere else and where to go in case she is interested. The goal of...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
I find most guys interesting to talk to. I can always find something I have in common with them – chicks, computers, games, sci-fi, chicks, sports, chicks, politics, chicks and so on. However, to women what most guys talk about to other guys is… well… MORE BORING THAN...
by David Kwan | Dating Advice
Hey Guys, I get a lot of questions about talking to women over the phone. Instead of answering each one individually I thought I’d do a whole newsletter on the topic. As I’m teaching you exactly how step-by-step to talk to women over the phone, I’ll...