Hi Dave,
I just bought the advanced CD series & it’s amazing what a difference they make over the book. Being able to listen on the way to work, whilst out doing chores, etc. is cool. I can feel the confidence building inside me, it’s like my own personal coach.
The C&F doesn’t come naturally to me at present so I’ve taken your advice and am using the internet as a ‘woman simulator’ in order to practice. I’ve had mixed results so far, I think a few took the teasing the wrong way as some of them would suddenly stop replying.
I must be better at the C&F than I thought though. The first time I went on this site I was chatting to a few girls and one of them ended up giving me her mobile and asking if we could go for coffee before I had chance to.
Anyway my question: You suggest that a date should simply be ‘tea & stimulating conversation’, which for all of the reasons you give makes perfect sense to me. But once I’ve done the tea & conversation with this girl, do you have any suggestions for other dates where I can come across as the ‘lover’ instead of the ‘provider’. The only one where I wouldn’t end up having to shell out (buy her stuff) that I can think of is a walk along the river or something, but that’s rather dependant on the weather.
Thanks for changing my life.
AIB – London, UK
Yea, well you’re welcome for the “changing your life” thing. Glad to help.
Now, you’re kind of mixing up a couple of concepts that I never intended to “depend” on one another…
If you want to know where to take a woman for dates, that shouldn’t be confused with whether or not you come across as a “lover” personality, and not a “provider” personality to her.
Let me ask you something… what is a “date”?
What do you think that the purpose of a “date” is?
Now, I call my material “Double Your Dating“, but what I DON’T mean is “take women out to dinner twice as much as you used to”.
The word “Dating” is simply a word that all of us guys understand to mean “romantic interactions with women”.
So I use it.
But if you want to have more romantic interactions with women, that does NOT mean that you need to “take women out on dates” in order to do it.
Are you with me?
I mean, what do couples do a year after they get together…?
They stay home most of the time, do normal things like go shopping, and generally behave like they did before they met.
This whole “going out to dinner” ritual is really an amazing concept.
It’s awesome how powerful it is… and how guys really believe that they need to do it (or similar things) in order to get a woman’s attention in a romantic way.
Here’s the bottom line:
If you want a woman to think of you as a “lover”, then BE ONE.
If you want her to think of you as a provider, then just BE ONE.
What you haven’t quite realized fully yet is that when you know how to trigger ATTRACTION in a woman, all the “normal” rules go away.
If a woman feels that powerful emotional ATTRACTION for you, then she’ll do ANYTHING with you… just to be in your presence and have your attention.
If you have dialed up the ATTRACTION, then all you need to say is “come over here”.
No dates required.
Now, if you buy her dinner 10 times, call her 3 times a day, and chase her around, then it will be EXPECTED that you continue this pattern… and provide for her.
NOTE: If you’re buying a woman dinner twice a week, giving her flowers, calling her every day, and basically “chasing” her, then you can be about 80% sure that there’s another guy in the picture… but guess what? He’s the one who SHE calls, and he’s the one who says “Come over later, I’m busy now”… no dates required.
If you want to be a LOVER to a woman, then DO IT.
You don’t need to wait until the third time out for coffee or tea.
You’ll learn that ATTRACTION doesn’t have a timeline.
It happens VERY QUICKLY, if you know how to trigger it… and you don’t need a lot of “date ideas” once you do.
And now that I’ve avoided your question for a page or two, let me answer with this:
I often take women to do “regular” things with me. I’ll take them to the grocery store to shop with me, out to the mall to pick things up, and down to the bookstore to buy a book.
First, start BEING the LOVER immediately.
Then, notice how women DON’T CARE what you do together, as long as she’s with you.
I hope you can truly understand how easy it is to get women’s attention.
Your Friend,
Editor’s Top Pick – Double Your Dating ebook.