How to Kiss


Question and Answer with relationship expert Dr Dennis

I get so many questions about just how to kiss. Most guys know it’s important, but put too little emphasis on doing it well. They think that what they really need is to know how to get phone numbers. Yes, that’s important too, but you’d better have some skills in the kissing area AFTER you use that number to get a date !

Why is it so important ? Women will judge almost everything else about a man by the quality of his kissing. Good kisser = good man. Bad kisser = bad man. Especially when you consider how easy it is to kiss well, there’s no reason not to kiss like a pro.

By the way, this isn’t meant to say that all women are good kissers either! In fact, less than 1/2 are really any good. But, there another, more important part to the story: of those that aren’t very good, many refuse to learn how to BE good!

Why is this? It’s a perception issue.

Ask any man if he’s a good driver, and he’ll tell you “yes”. Obviously, not everyone is a good driver, but that doesn’t matter. A man has a perception of his ability to operate machinery and since he’s a man, he’s got to be good at it.

Women feel this same way about kissing! They think that they are great kissers because they’re women. Sorry girls, that’s not a fact. Many, many of you could use some pointers in the kissing department, so read on.

How to Begin Kissing

Where to Kiss


If you want to be a good kisser, you’ve got to practice and learn what your partner likes. There’s no shame in asking because everyone is different and enjoys different things.

Practicing kissing can become something of a game – and will often lead to other things. So take, time and practice!