From “Sensitive” To “Masculine” in 4 Easy Steps


Question and Answer with relationship expert Dr Dennis

Dear Dr. Neder,



I’ve been an idiot for a long time. Raised by an single mother from three to ten
I was told all sorts of backward ideas on how to be a
man in a relationship. You know the ones: be sensitive,
put her on a pedestal, and on and on.

This; combined with being a bookworm and extremely shy made it hard to gain


Five years ago I met this girl, and somehow wound up in a
relationship with her. Almost instantly I told her I loved her and
we got into a sexual relationship (stupidly without protection) and
I eventually became too needy and wimpy. Her interest in me began to
die fast and she wanted to see other people, but didn’t have anyone
in mind other than me. A week later I gave her a choice:
relationship or not, and she decided to break up with me.


A number of months when by with no contact from her, then, I get
the “you might want to sit down” call. Our daughter was born three
days earlier! She decided to keep her, and she has brought me great


So, we were back together again. I went back to my normal wimpy
routine after about a month or so. I eventually asked her to marry
me and she accepted even though her interest in me was pretty low at
the time. After that, things went quite a bit differently. I started
to feel unsatisfied in the relationship, I felt like I was doing all
the work in the relationship and sex was just to please her.
Although thinking about it now when I started to feel that way and
become more of a challenge she started to live more.


I made the biggest mistake of my life around this time, and I
know why but no excuse. I cheated on her – it stopped at a kiss. I
told her about it a week later. To this day I am very angry that I
was not able to control myself. My fianc? kept me around after that
anyway. Of course, a few months later she was going out to clubs
every other night, needing her ‘space’ because the baby was a bit
much for her. Along comes her friend’s brother and all of a sudden
she doesn’t come home one night. Things went quickly down hill
from there.


I finally ended the relationship on Christmas day because she was
playing games with me and I was tired of it. She got into a serious
relationship that seemed to start five minutes after I left the
house (friend of the family we met that day).


Ever since then she has cheated on her boyfriend roughly nine or
ten times, with me! We talked about getting back together until I
found out she was sleeping with my best friend. I didn’t get mad or
anything just brushed it off and went on my merry way.


I just came across your pages of enlightenment and started to
‘practice’ on my ex. Becoming a challenge and other advice you’ve
given has all came into play.


I don’t really know if I want to be with this girl or not. I just
feel confused. How do I end this and get past these games we keep
playing? I want to be a good parent!






It is for the very reasons you’ve mentioned that I constantly
complain about single mothers! Men need a male role model in their
lives to have any chance in this world. With so many celebrities
coming out about being single, gay, and adopting kids – I think it’s
tragic. What a terrible message to send! I’m surprised that more men
don’t sit down to pee!


My brother, if there is a mistake to be made – you made it! I
don’t think you missed ANY of them! You’re an adult, and responsible
for your own actions (and corrections!), but I put the blame first
on your mother’s teachings. She gave you a “politically correct” and
feminized view of the world, and you used it to get into all kinds
of trouble. Forget everything she’s told you. In fact, if you do
just the opposite, you’ll probably be a player in no time!


Your ex is a user and abuser. Of course, you and she were
“perfect” together because you played right into her abuse! No
wonder she wanted to keep getting back together with you. Every time
she needed an emotional lift, there you were to kick around again
and again.


Here’s some advice:




This “woman” is no lady. You have nowhere to go but up from her.
Unfortunately,you can’t completely avoid her because of your child.
Just get it through you head that you’re going to be paying child
support for the next 18 years. There’s no other choice. Thank God
you didn’t marry her!


2) By pushing her away, you piqued her interest


Seems like it should be just the opposite doesn’t it? Well, my
brother – that’s just how women think. When you were all emotional
and clingy, she didn’t want anything to do with you. When you were
emotionally distant, she couldn’t get enough. This is an important
lesson – don’t forget it.


3) Get your education “corrected”


Your mother tried to give you some relationship help.
Unfortunately, she gave you the advice she thought that women today
wanted. She didn’t exactly raise you like a girl. If she’d done that
she would have taught you all about manipulation (that isn’t
necessarily a bad thing – it’s one of the tools in a woman’s “war
chest”) and other feminine methods. Instead, she taught you to buy
into all the manipulation!


I strongly suggest that you pick up a copy of “Being a Man in a
Woman’s World” This may be your very first dose of real “male
philosophy”. You’re going to need a much better understanding of
relationships if you’re going to survive. More important – why just
survive, when you can thrive!


4) How to end this subconsciously


You will end it by not giving her any more power. Up until now,
you’ve given her every piece of control, save some small doses.
Interestingly, as soon as you took some back, she responded. This
isn’t just about your ex – every woman will react this way.


Women want men that are in control – not the soft, gushy,
emotional guys you keep hearing about on Oprah or from your mother.
How do I know this? Because, they tell me this all the time! I’ve
done hundreds of interviews all over the world on radio and in
print, and I keep telling the guests, callers and hosts this story.
Guess what? They keep telling me I’m right!


I did an interview on a large syndicated show a few nights ago.
The host kept asking for women that disagreed to call in. NOT ONE
DID! In fact, every single caller – male and female – called to
agree with these points!


As well, I’ve gotten thousands of letters from readers – 1/2 of
which are from women. They keep saying the same things too. Women
want men that are in control, have a direction, and are willing to
make their lives – and their relationships conform to that


Thus, you will GAIN power by TAKING power. As well, you will END
this abusive cycle by ENDING your old beliefs and starting new,
healthier ones.


As well, by removing your focus from this one women and starting
to focus on many other women, you instantly play-down her
importance. She’s going to have to work for your attention – just
like she wants to. You see, here’s a little secret that’s critically
important: women don’t want to be chased – they want to DO the
chasing. And, they want to chase someone that thinks of himself as
valuable, worthwhile, and as a catch.


All you have to do is to be that guy.


Good luck, much love…