Can You Love If You Don’t “Like” ?


Question and Answer with relationship expert Dr Dennis



Hi Dr. Dennis,

Hoping you can
lend some advice on this for me! I had been dating a girl I attend
school with for the last six months. Unfortunately we were both at
different places, she wasn’t ready for a serious relationship and I
was all too ready. We tried to take it slow but ended up damaging
each other with fighting, insecurity and harsh words.


In the end, there was love in there somewhere but not a lot of
respect or even ‘liking’. We went through a series of breakups and
finally decided to just be friends and eliminate the stress and
pressure of trying to maintain this dysfunctional relationship. We
have been spending time together as friends.


In fact she calls almost every day, even days that we see each
other in classes. The fun is coming back, the stress feels a little
lighter and this is only after two weeks or so! The problem
is,  I am stuck being her friend and I still love her! She
knows this as I’ve told her, she wasn’t quite as deeply involved
emotionally as me and now feels that I’m ‘needy’ simply cause I fell
for her (and told her…oops).

She doesn’t feel any
sexual desire for me. Honestly, she must still be quite hurt and
confused from our fighting so I don’t expect her too. She is content
to be friends as she said she feels comfortable again, no pressure.
She says sometimes she wants to kiss me or touch me but isn’t sure
what would be ok, for her own good as well as mine.

this work out? We are so fun and alive together and work well
together but she is not available emotionally or sexually for a
relationship due to the damage. Will we be able to rebuild an
intimate relationship through a friendship? Even if she is wary? I’m
in love with this girl and want it to work out!

so much for your help and kind advice!



Yes, this is an unadvertised aspect of dating
– you can be in love with someone without actually liking him or

You’re going to have to make a decision here –
what do you want from this girl – a friendship or a relationship
(including sex)? I’m sorry my brother, you can’t have

Depending on what you want, you’re going to have
to go about things differently. Let’s look at the friendship option

Why would she want to be your friend? This is an
important question to get answered right away. Consider this: by
being your friend, and knowing that you’re in love with her – she
holds all the cards! She doesn’t want a sexual relationship with you
right now, but she can keep you on the hook as long as she wants.
Further, she is completely free to date (and sleep with) anyone she
wants because, after all, you’re just “friends”.

if she decides that she wants sex with you again, she just has to
call and she knows you’ll be on her doorstep like a panting puppy.
The other benefit she has by being your “friend” is that she can
call you anytime (like she already does) and she knows she has
someone to go out with on a Saturday night if she wants an ego boost
or just needs someone to entertain her. You’ll be that guy with the
big red nose and floppy shoes with just a phone call from her!
Additionally, if she has a light bulb that needs to be replaced,
needs a ride somewhere, wants some help with something, she’s got
you to call; her “friend”.

Here’s a fact you’d better
get in your mind right now: Women don’t make good “friends” for men;
they simply become “sexless boyfriends”;

another: When women hold all the cards, they know it and they don’t
respect the men over whom they hold them.

Here one
more: Women need to respect the men they date.

And one
last one: Women don’t want to be chased by men – they want to DO the

My brother, these aren’t my rules – they were
here when I arrived.

Now, if you’re interested in a
relationship with this woman, you’re going to have to change your
strategy entirely. Bear with me here – I give this advice to a lot
of men, and it consistently works (if anything will!) Here’s what
you’re going to have to do to have any future possibility with this

Get scarce

When I say “scarce”, I
mean don’t return her phone calls for at least a few days, don’t
pick up the phone – especially on weekends – that’s what voice mail
is for, and get yourself out there and get some phone

Here’s the gig: by getting yourself busy, not
only will you break the depression of sitting around wondering why
she won’t sleep with you, but by not being available to her, you
instantly give yourself “value” in her eyes. Remember those rules?
She wants to chase YOU – not the other way around. If she begins to
think you’re moving on, she’s going to start putting greater
emphasis on you and YOUR needs – after all, she wants to win here.
All you’re doing is giving her what she wants!

might want to enlist the help of your friends. Let them know what
you’re up to and see if they can work with you. As I’ve said in many
articles, if you take care of your friends, they will be there when
you need them most – like right now.

When you DO call
her back, or see her, keep it brief and to the point. It’s much
better (for you) to end a conversation yourself rather than trying
to keep her on the line. Leave HER wanting more. In fact, you really
don’t want to initiate any calls. Try to always be the one RETURNING
the calls – this give YOU back the control. Then, when you return
her calls (a few days later), ask what she wants. She may say
something like, “Well, I just wanted to see you – I miss you.” (A
very good sign by the way). Then, say, “Ok, when did you want to get
together, and what do you want to do?” Make HER do the work

By doing this, you’re creating great value for
yourself in her eyes. Further, when you DO get together with her,
make sure it’s not just to go out and see a movie (like “buddies”).
Be sure to kiss her, hold her hand – basically all the things you’d
do on a date. You might make some moves toward the bedroom too. If
she gives you any resistance to this, just turn and say, “Well, ok –
I’ve got to go.” And then leave!

After doing this a few
times (if it’s even necessary), she may say, “Are you just
interested in me for sex?” To which you can tell her, “No, but sex
IS a part of a mature relationship between men and woman.” (If you
don’t feel comfortable saying this to her, tell her I said so!), “If
you’re not interested in a mature relationship, I’m not interested
either.” The point of all this is to keep HER on the run. She’ll
love you for it by the way. But you’ve got to get this started right
away. Once you fall into the “Friend Zone” it is very, very
difficult to get out!

I strongly suggest that you pick
up a copy of my book, “Being a Man in a Woman’s World” and commit it
to memory. You’ve made a number of grave mistakes here that may
actually prevent you from EVER putting things back together with
her. If you’re going to at all you’re going to need some new tools;
what I call “male philosophy”. Further, you’re going to need some
new tools for your future. Neither you nor I want you to ever have
to go through this again!

Good luck, much love…