By now you’ll have a pretty good idea if she’s attracted to you. If so, the time is right to ask her on a proper ONE-TO-ONE DATE. Every girl is much more likely to open up to you on a one-to-one date than a first or chance meeting.

The main secret here is to dress your offer up like it’s NOT A FORMAL DATE. To you, the first date is probably a ‘see how it goes thing, or a scoring opportunity’. A girl sees it very differently. To HER a first date is, hopefully, the start of a long relationship. So if you’re TOO SERIOUS – like most men are – she’ll worry and worry about whether she’s doing the right thing and probably end up turning you down.

So – ask her out – but just make it sound like an ordinary, everyday occurrence. Make it sound like you’ve got an exciting social life already (whether or not that’s true) and just ask her if she’d like to join in.

These methods usually work :–

Say you just happen to be going to the pub (or whatever)
tomorrow…. and would she like to come?

Or, a slightly better version of this

Say you and some friends always go nightclubbing (or whatever) on a Saturday night and would she like to come?…. (Your friends can always drop out later)

Say you’ve already got a firm date planned but have been let down. Will she help you out?

Say ‘you’ll go if she does ‘. This encourages her to accept by making her feel bad if you miss something.

Find out something she’d like to do. Just bring it up conversation before without ever suggesting it might be a date. Then offer to go with her. Hopefully she’ll jump at the chance or at the least be too nice to turn you down!

If she doesn’t accept then phone her later-you’ve already got her number right? Use these lines again. As I said it’s amazing how many girls turn down date offers automatically then regret it later when they’ve had a chance to think about it.

Next : How To Turn No Into Yes

Special thanks to Kevin Gaynor for his valuable contribution

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