Do you look in the mirror and you just don’t like what you see? An inflatable tube has taken up residence on your waist, and your butt seems to have dropped a couple of inches.

You take a look at your face and you start to see the development of a little bit of waddle underneath the chin.

What do you do? Why is this happening? Better yet, what is happening to my body when I gain weight?

These are all fantastic questions that are going to be answered this section on how to lose weight, and keep it off.

Many people ogle the beautiful bodies on the beach – men and women alike. Nice, tight round bottoms, flat stomachs and well toned bodies. I’ll be honest, there are some who don’t need to do a darn thing and they stay in relatively good shape, but for the vast majority of people need to take notice of what they eat, how much they eat, and how much daily exercise they are getting.

Why does our weight matter so much to us?

Probably for two reason – physical appearance and health.

Physical Appearance

No one really wants to be fat. Plain and simple. For many people physical appearance is linked directly to their self-esteem. If they believe their body is undesirable to others, they can become depressed, or stressed and it causes serious emotional problems.

It could end up as a emotional barrier that stop you from meeting people or finding a date !

Worse yet, in some, it can trigger the impulse to eat even more, making the problem worse.

The emotional side of being obese is only just being charted in the medical world. It is already understood that a person’s self worth and self-confidence can be shattered if they gain excess weight.

But the emotional toll it can take over an extended period of time might be considerably more damaging.

Here’s a quick test to see if you have experienced some sort of emotional response to weight gain:

  • Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “I am so ugly”?
  • Are you comfortable with the way you look when you look in the mirror?
  • Are you concerned with what your partner thinks of your body?
  • Are you conscious of other people looking at your when you go out, or are seen in public?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, it is obvious that your weight has some sort of emotional control over you. I don’t think anyone wants his or her physical appearance to have that kind of control.

So, as I see it, a person has two choices:

Do something about it, or live with it – and the potential ongoing emotional turmoil.