It’s no secret that women like compliments, but there are a few catches. You can’t make too many or too big a compliment, because then she won’t believe you, and she’ll wonder what you are selling. Secondly, your compliment must be carefully screened between the brain and the mouth so that “You’d look great on the end of my cock,” at the brain will come out as, “That’s a fantastic outfit you’re wearing,” at the mouth. And speaking about not telling the absolute truth, you must not compliment a woman on any feature that is obviously her best. This may sound complicated, but I’m afraid women are complicated. If women came with instructions, they would only be written in Japanese. Backwards.

Let’s say you see a woman with fantastic breasts. She might be dressed in a set of nipple-wrappers that lifts those jubblies so high you’d swear she could lower her head and wedge her own nose into the cleavage. It doesn’t matter. She will be so used to men being so fixated on her breasts alone, that any comment on them will register about the same as saying, “Do you come here often?”

Compliment Her Weaker Points

You need to pick your mark – one of her weaker points, and make her believe it’s great. Let’s say you’ve walked up and said “Hi.” You could start commenting on her legs – say they look powerful, ask if she used to dance, or play tennis. This will be so unexpected, and such a bonus to this woman who probably thought that her breasts were her biggest selling point (well, after her brain, but she knows what most men want), that she will not only be flattered, but her confidence and sexual thermometer will be rising by the minute. All women want a man who sees something in them that other men don’t.

Of course, you may not be enraptured in her legs at all. In fact, after ten minutes talking to this woman, you may still want nothing more than to stick your head between those chest puppies and go “Hmblagh, hmblagh, hmblagh.” In order to make this happen, however, you’re going to have to make the rest of her body – and her mind – tag along.

There are plenty of other situations you can apply this method. If a woman has legs all the way up to her armpits, remark on her shoulders, or her hair. If she has a killer ass dressed in a first cousin to cling-wrap, once you get talking remark on her face, or her hands, or arms. Or if she has a really cute pussy, say ? oh, well, I guess if you’re at that kind of a party, you just say, “Cute pussy!”