The one thing that comes to mind when describing DateStacker is “ATTRACTION” !

You heard me… Attraction.

It is the BIG word in DateStacker… because without attraction there’s nothing.

Period !

DateStacker program is a simple, fuss free and practical dating manual. It tells you everything you need to know about dating and the one thing that every walking male on earth wants to hear – You Don’t Need to Be Tall, Rich and Handsome to Get a Woman… It simply says that the secret of success with women is to create powerful attraction.

No corny pickup lines or complex theory here…

Datestacker ebook is very effective in the sense that it walks you thru the steps of how you can create attraction, the different types of attraction and how to use both types interchangeably to get the maximum effect. You will learn how to master the art of attraction… to the extend where women are not only impressed and attracted to you, they literally day dream of you in your absence. Date stacker ebook is packed with loads of techniques, strategies and real life scenarios to show you how to create feelings of attraction in women.

With DateStacker program, you not only learn how to attract women, you also learn how to be the “ideal man” that every woman is searching for. Or at the very least, make her believe that you are her ideal man !

The interesting about DateStacker program is, it not only shows you how to progress from one stage in a relationship to the next, it also shows you what to expect in every stage. How to keep the excitement level at a boiling point at all times because a bored woman will lose focus and dump you for a more exciting guy.

DateStacker program touches briefly on the Nice Guy vs. Jerk theory… why women are subconsciously drawn to jerks… Unfortunately this topic is a wee bit too brief, I would have liked the author to elaborate more on this theory and how you can be a nice guy and STILL remain attractive to women.

DateStacker even goes the extra mile by giving you tips on winning back the heart of a lost love, but you will be attracting so many new beautiful women, you probably wont be thinking too much about the one you lost !

So, whether or not your love life needs fixing, you can certainly learn a thing or two from reading DateStacker. One thing is for sure, if you religiously practice the suggestions dealt out by DateStacker, you’ll definitely be more confident and comfortable around both men and women. No more tongue tied, awkward moments as a new confident you emerge…

That alone gives you the BIG Advantage over other men !

Click here to learn more about DateStacker program.

Brian Caniglia stopped teaching the concepts in Datestacker Program but if you want to read about his other program, you can get it at How to Get Your Ex Back.